
Browsing the "zambezi" Tag

The Voorhees @ The Zambezi

March 25th, 2022 | by Kayak Session

There are so many incredible aspects of kayaking, but nothing can beat getting to travel and kayak with your brothers. [&hellip

Senders – High Water Zam

February 21st, 2022 | by Kayak Session

You know the score, High water Zambezi with the Send boys. Does the need to be much more said? Sit [&hellip

Back On the ZAMBEZI

January 11th, 2022 | by Kayak Session

Follow Dane Jackson as he comes straight back to Africa after Kenya, down the mighty Zambezi, finishing off 2021 the [&hellip

Zambezi High Water Sessions

March 6th, 2021 | by Kayak Session

This past winter one of the best Covid escape game was called Zambezi. Follow Dane Jackson, Kalob Grady, Isaac Hull, [&hellip

Zam Joy

February 18th, 2021 | by Kayak Session

Adrian Mattern threw together this short mashup of some clean Zambezi lines from back in december. Pure

High Water Zambezi River

February 9th, 2021 | by Kayak Session

Follow Bren Orton from the SEND crew down the Zambezi river on a super high water descent! This rainy season [&hellip

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  • Kayak Session Issue 91 – Fall 2024