
Published on October 28th, 2019 | by Kayak Session

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1st D Saut du Doubs, France (Entry #33 Short Film of the Year Awards 2019)

For years paddlers visiting the Jura mountains looked at this Waterfall. For years doubt on the depth of the reception led anyone tempted to run the beast to walk away. In 2018 a team of french paddlers led by Arthur Bernot went to check the pool’s depth below the drop at low water. The verdict came: deep enough, all clean. From then on, all the team had to do was to wait for rain. On October 22nd the boys’ prayers were heard by the river gods, heavy rain brought the river up to 70 cumecs, plenty enough for the 1st Descent of the 25 meters Saut du Doubs. That day Arthur Bernot went first, followed by Arthur Paulus and Thomas Neime in third. The next day Thomas Neime and Max Le Morvan ran the beast again at lower flow.
By : Jonas Le Morvan From: France
Additional Camera : Jonas Le Morvan / Arthur Paulus / Thomas Neime / Arthur Bernot

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