
Published on April 19th, 2017 | by Kayak Session

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Peru Kayak Expedition – Urubamba, Pachachaca, Paucartambo, Pachachaca

In September 2016 Jan Praprotnik, Andrej Bijuklič, Matjaž Lužar and Jure Stan went to Peru to kayak multidays. Alonso Compana ”Rambito” (Apuramic explorer rafting agency) kindly hosted us in his house (gracias amigo). First we stormed to the Urubamba to get the feeling of Peruvian rivers. It is there were we all met. Next on the menu were some classics. Paucartambo to warm up (3 days), Apurimac abismo canyon (3 days), Pachachaca (3 days).

Peru is different than the western culture. People admire and respect nature. There was once one said to me: ”the snow in the mountains is disappearing and with the snow all this villages will move to the city”. Read this sentence again can you do anything to prevent global warming?

By: Jan Praprotnik

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