

Published on octobre 31st, 2013 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png


It’s That Time of the Year Again #1 – (Kayak Session 2013 Green Race Coverage with Shane Benedict)

This years Green Race, just like the 17 others before it, comes with the changing colors of the fall leaves, the crisp temperatures, and hordes of boaters making their way down through the Narrows just like they do every year but there is a new wave of strong paddlers coming through the event this year.  They are popping up out of the woodwork and they are fast.  What will be interesting is how many of these fast young paddlers will get their times down under the 4:40 mark.  At last years race there were 10 racers that got under 4:40.  I think I have seen 20 folks that could do it this year.  That usually doesn’t pan out on race day for one reason or another but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did happen.


Walking into the put in while the leaves fall. © Kayak Session Mag/ S Benedict

Is it the year that someone surprises us out of no where to win?  I don’t think so.  I see the usual suspects taking the top spots but I think there will be a major changing of the guard in the top 20. Isaac, Eric, Dane, and Pat are all obvious choices for folks that have a shot to win this year and If we followed the trend of the last 4 years in which the winner of the Russel Fork Race went on to win the Green Race that would point to this years Lord of the Fork Champ Eric Deguil as the favorite.  He also has three four top 5 finishes to his name here at the Green.


Slalom Racer Pablo McCandless boofing towards the light © Kayak Session Mag/ S Benedict

The other exciting thing this year is that 5 time Women’s Champion is also coming up against some competition this year.  Adriene has just about won every race that she enters but this years Russel Fork race went to Katrina Van Wijk so it seems like the ladies also have a little business to finish this year  .


Adriene looking to come back after a defeat at a race last week. © Kayak Session Mag/ S Benedict

The great thing is that this theme of more talented paddlers runs through the entire field.  It seems like the overall fitness and skills of the folks racing this year are stronger than ever.  Maybe it has to do with all the great water we have had here in the south this year but maybe there are just that many more people taking racing a little more seriously.  Its also nice to see so many long boats out there.  Of course I am excited to see the Liquidlogic Stingers finally from a production mold but there are also tons of Green Boats on the water and Jackson Kayaks has come to the event with a handful of prototypes of a new long boat that they are working on.  It makes for great competition and it looks like a lot of people are feeling the need for speed.


Dane Jackson doing one of his 10 laps on Gorilla this day © Kayak Session Mag/ S Benedict

Stay Tuned for more everyday until race day! in the meatime, enjoy some carnage on training days.

Shane Benedict is a whitewater legends, green river veteran,  co owner of liquid logic kayaks, and a great friend of kayak session!

Kayak Session Green Race Coverage with Shane Benedict #1 from Kayak TV (Kayak Session Mag) on Vimeo.

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