
Published on November 8th, 2022 | by Kayak Session

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Inside the 2022 Green Race with Shane Benedict – #3, Record Times, Big Water, Beaters and High Stoke!

Shane Benedict is back with the now classic annual Green Race wrap up video. Check him out cheering, shouting, laughing and sharing the stoke on the clean lines, beaters and full-on vibe of this epic event that is the Green River Race! 13 minutes of pure fun!
« Without doubt, Dane’s sub 4-minute race and Adriene’s 13th win, made this year’s Green River Narrows Race one for the record books. But so many more aspects combined with those unmistakable milestones to make manifest the depth of an event that turned twenty-seven this year. People raced Saturday who have raced more years than many of the competitors have been alive. The race continues to draw paddlers of all walks of life: Class V certified, slalom racers, wildwater racers, weekend warriors, and those that are paddling the hardest whitewater in the world. Though the Green is no longer the cutting edge of river running, the Green Race is undoubtedly the intersection of all paddling. »

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