
Published on May 7th, 2014 | by Kayak Session

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Help EJ (Eric Jackson) raise $50K for the Starkey Hearing Foundation

Watch this video and check out this page to donate:https://www.crowdrise.com/fundraiser/… and you’ll have a chance to win a kayak as a thank you!

Father and son in hearing aids


As you may already know, both Dane, and I have severe hearing loss, and KC has moderate loss.   The issues this causes us and those around us if we don’t have hearing  aids is immense.    Dane and I are lucky however, as we have been able to function and get hearing aids to assist.     Dane learned to talk, thanks to his hearing aids, and a speech therapist.   KC is going to go through the same thing.        I am asking for help to make it possible for others who don’t have the ability to get hearing aids, and really need them, by donating towards the Starkey Hearing Foundation.     This is the most sustainable, well run, and active group putting people into hearing aids that need them, but can’t afford them.     I am trying to raise at least $50,000 by July 20th, when they do their annual Gala fundraiser and kick off the next season of missions.

I am personally giving away a Jackson Kayak whitewater, fishing or recreational kayak of choice that was made in our factory (non-composite boats) to the winner of a drawing I’ll do at the end of July once this campaign is over for all donations of $50 or more.   You will get your name entered one time for every $50 ($1,000 is 20 times, for example… )    Think of this as a raffle ticket if that helps, but please don’t hesitate if you are considering helping out.. Click here to donate and also to see a short video that shows what this cause is all about!

Thank you for your support of this cause that is very important to me!

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