
Published on June 20th, 2014 | by Kayak Session

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Check out this amazing segment by Dave Wortley on a night freestyle paddling session with Electroluminescent Wire systems. Awesome…

by: Dave Wortley

After many years of thought, months of planning and weeks of editing I’m proud to present this short film entitled FUSE.
FUSE is a short creative film which fuses things that don’t normally go together, kayaking and night, water and electric lights.

Thanks to: Alan Ward for letting me borrow is boat for a few weeks and vandalise it with wires and gaffa tape and for putting up with my endless planning and testing
Dan Crowley for being readily available to help out with all things electrical, helping rig the boat, paddles and waterproofing all (most) of the connections, as well as helping with photography.
James Bebbington for coming down especially to film this and risking his very nice Sony FS700 camera on the water’s edge.
Paul Robertson & Peter Wood from Palm Equipment Europe for getting equally excited and throwing their enthusiasm and energy behind this project to make the amazing Electric Fuse Cag and FX Bouyancy Aid/
Dave Molz from EL Wirecraft for their expertise in the Electroluminescent Wire systems and providing sample kits to test with.
And finally special thanks to, Jennifer Steel, Somerset Dave, Max Last, Mandy Chan, Ian Tripp and Lindsey Hopkinson at Taylor James for letting me borrow some essential filming kit.

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