
Published on November 30th, 2022 | by Kayak Session

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Algo Debe Cambiar – (Entry #29 Short Film of the Year Awards 2022)

Entry #29 for the Short Film Awards is here! « Diego Robles claimed the first descent of the Upper Rio Pusuno (Napo, Ecuador) in 2014, in eight years he has seen this magical whitewater river lost to the development of small-scale hydro power. This is a crisis occurring all throughout Ecuador and will continue to effect Ecuador’s most beloved paddling destinations. This story hopes to reach beyond kayaking and into the hearts and minds of river lovers everywhere, who are witnessing firsthand a globalized attack on Mother Earth’s aquatic freshwater resources. »
By: Willie Henkel
More information about protecting Ecuador’s rivers can be found here: https://ecuadorianrivers.org/

> View more 2022 Short Film Entries
>Enter the 2022 Short Film of the Year awards

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