
Awards 2020 Paddlers Awards Winners – The Green Race (Event Category)

Published on décembre 1st, 2020 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

2020 Paddlers Awards Winners – The Green Race (Event Category)

And the winner is… in the Event category: The Green Race 2020
The Green Race organizers (John Grace and his team) managed not only to organize the race this year despite Covid 19, but they even innovated bringing a live stream financed through pay per view, for the world to watch live the « Greatest Show on Earth »…!
More info go to : www.greenrace.us

The Jury

Marian Saether (Nor), Rush Sturges (Usa), Kalob Grady (Can), John Haines (Uk), Vavra Hradilek (Cz Rep.), Anna Bruno (Usa), Mike krutyansky (Russia), Joaquim Fontane (Catalunya), Ben Stooksberry (Usa), Jacques Gilardone (Italy), Mira Kodada (Cz rep.), Shane Benedict (Usa), Clay Wright (Usa), John Grace (Usa)

Each member of the jury gives his winner in each category. Contenders with the most votes win their category.

>Check the full 2020 Paddlers Awards contenders lists

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