

Published on décembre 27th, 2023 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

2023 Paddlers Awards Winners – Svalbard, Running Waterfalls off the Icecap , Mission of the Year

We congratulate the team of Svalbard 2023 as we proudly announce them winners of the Paddlers Awards in the Mission of the Year category. 

Only a few missions and expeditions have gathered so much support, creativity, and media in whitewater history. Going where few—if any—have paddled before is always a feat to celebrate. That is what Aniol Serrasolses, Mikel Sarasola, and Aleix Salvat, with photographer David Sodomka, did by completing their mission to Svalbard after more than two years of preparation. Hands down, the whitewater mission of the year 2023.

Check out the 2023 Paddler Awards Finalist’s here

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  • Kayak Session Issue 91 – Fall 2024