
Published on May 13th, 2015 | by Kayak Session

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Wizard’s Eye, Leg III Trailer

From Indonesia to the shores of the African continent, the Wizard’s Eye adventure continues. While attempting to cross the indian Ocean the team discovers some of the best waves in Indonesia followed by Southeast Asia’s most classic whitewater. Enjoy.

By: Tyler Bradt

“Unlocking the Door to the World” is the premise of the Wizard’s Eye Expedition.

The goal: to live the most outlandish experiences the world has to offer through a five-year world sailing circumnavigation. Emphasizing cultural engagement, high adventure, and extreme sport, the sailboat Wizard’s Eye acts as a base and staging point for expeditions ranging from deep sea cave diving to Mountaineering and everything in-between.

The main character, Tyler Bradt, is a professional whitewater kayaker who holds the world record for the highest waterfall ever run in a kayak, 189.5 feet tall.  He is no stranger to living outside of his comfort zone. With a 45’, 20 ton, steel hull boat built for the world’s most demanding environments, he and his wild demographic of friends, extreme sport professionals, and others met along the way will circumnavigate the planet searching out and living the most off-the-wall experiences and extreme stunts. The populace amassed by the expedition’s documentation will be drawn in by the un-ignorable displays of adventure and come away from each episode both highly entertained and more globally enlightened. Peripherally the expedition will expand global perspective, educate, and demonstrate environmental stewardship as well as cultural respect.

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