
Published on April 6th, 2021 | by Kayak Session

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Waveski Wipeouts (Entry #2 Beaters For All 2021)

In 2018, the French national team, Océane Lucas, Virgile Humbert, Cyril Samson et Pablo Arrouays released the first pro waveski film in 10 years on Indonesian waves, this film, named « Take a Seat » seduced the waveski community, but you can’t get clean lines without a few beatdowns, so here is a compilation of the best wipeouts from those sessions, enjoy!
Paddlers: Océane Lucas, Virgile Humbert, Cyril Samson, Pablo Arrouays.

>>>Watch more Carnage Kayaking Videos
>>>Enter the 2021 Level Six Beaters for All

Disclaimer: Originally, we created the Beater For All Video Contest with fun beaters in mind (kayakers getting worked and swimming out of it (or not…) with a smile. However, we have been receiving more and more video showing scary & sketchy situations, some being real close calls. This created a debate among us, enriched by comments from viewers: should we or should we not show those videos. By encouraging and magnifying carnage and beatering, do we promote it? Do viewers forget the dangers of kayaking? We think otherwise. We came to the conclusion that those videos can be educative and show how dangerous the sport of whitewater kayaking can be, how nasty and quickly can a situation turn from funny to bad. By showing those videos, we firmly believe that these can create discussions and a space for exchange about what could/should have been done to avoid such situations, which will ultimately lead to increases in safety and river knowledge. Note, we never show videos in which people would get hurt badly, or even worse, showing fatal accidents. Last but least, the videos are submitted by their authors, most time the « victims » themselves. NB, We do not poach videos.

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