
Published on October 29th, 2019 | by Kayak Session

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The River’s Call (Entry #34 Short Film of the Year Awards 2019)

Considered the farthest source of the Amazon, the Apurimac River flows from the Andes, through deep boxed canyons, to the calm waters of the Peruvian jungle. Always on the hunt for stout whitewater in remote reaches of the world,  the We Are Hungry (WAH) crew is known for asking Why. Why are we out here? What are we doing here?  Guided by their passion for the river and their desire for adventure, this trip questions the possibility of living with little, together, in an environment remained untouched by man, a place where only kayakers can go.
Featuring: Stéphane Pion, Mathieu Coldebella, Louis Hetier, Guillaume fièvre, B. Doye & Luigi Marmanillo Cateriano
by: Hugo Clouzeau / We Are Hungry from: France

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>>> View all the 2019 Short Film Entries

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