
Published on November 17th, 2021 | by Kayak Session

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REEL WORLD Vol.6 – # 01 Jeremy Nash (Usa)

This past year was incredible! I traveled all over North America and was able to get on several lesser known rivers that I will most certainly return to. I did a lot of hiking and portaging throughout the year which allowed me to consistently paddle some of the biggest class 5 I’ve been able to put together. My favorite day however wasn’t on one of those lesser-known, expedition type trips, but on my home river at flood stage. I’ve had the pleasure of growing up on The Chattooga River in the Southeastern US. In the past year, I’ve been studying a highwater drone clip that I took of the last section, « the 5 falls. » These flooded flows turn a beautiful, everyday run into the biggest and most dangerous runable set I’ve ever seen. While this year was dedicated to moving around and seeing places I haven’t been, I was able to snag a lap on the Chattooga at 7.5 feet (23,000 cfs, 657cms). While I am yet to complete the river I run everyday, I was able to put a big piece of the puzzle together at these massive flows. 

The reason I decided to go ahead and release this video is due to a bad hit to the shoulder towards the end of the video on a 60ft waterfall. Currently I’m waiting on an MRI in just a few days but it is obvious my paddling year is over. Huge thanks to my friends, family, and sponsors for supporting me and getting me to these amazing places, this life is one of a kind!

About the songs: Last year on a 22 mile hike in, one of my best friends, Bernie Engelman played the song, « Everybody is Free To Wear Sunscreen » as our group was burning on fumes on top of a mountain pass. This song holds some of the most valuable truths of life and I decided to use my favorite lyrics as the intro and outro. As for, « Once in a Lifetime, » this song stresses a connection to water, a connection our community is obviously compelled to. Before I was a kayaker I still had a growing desire to see new things and experience the world through a different lense. As a kid I built my experiences off of my favorite saying, « Once in a lifetime, unless you get to do it again. » Hope you all enjoyed seeing the 5 minutes I could offer of my year!

Category: Pro
Shot on location: United States, Canada
Sponsors: Pyranaha kayaks, Kokatat


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