Derby du Véneon, France – Sept 3-4th 2022
Coming up this week end on the magical Véneon river, the traditional and super roots end of the year event, the Derby du Vénéon.
The annual end of season rendez-vous in the French Alps, the Derby du Veneon, will take place this year on September 3& 4th. Two races are on the on the menu this year: a team-race through the class 4/5 gorges and a race for everyone on an easier section class 2/3.
But the derby isn’t only a race! It is a great opportunity to discover one of the best section of whitewater in France, and one of the most beautiful valley in the French Alps at the border of the National Parc des Écrins.
Come also to enjoy the big party with local beer and good music. So make sure you book your trip on September 5th & 6th 2020 in Saint Christophe en Oisans.
And Friday night the sept 2nd till 18h in camping Municipal La Bérarde.