

Published on février 22nd, 2016 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

Defi des Grandes Rivières, May 7th Quebec, Canada

We are very proud at Kayak Session to be the media partner of this new event, held in the heart of Quebec, called the Defi des Grandes Rivières.

This spring on May 7th, the Saguenay-Lac St-Jean region of Québec will host the Défi des Grandes Rivières. A Big Wave Stakeout Style Kayaking Freestyle competition.  One that sure will raise many eyebrows.

This competition will allow athletes to push their freestyle skills to the next level on the best and biggest wave, available in our region that given day.  For many years now, we have known that the Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean region has a huge potential for whitewater kayaking and proof of this is that for the past decade the best enlightened paddlers in the world have migrated to the region to explore and develop their skills.

Organizers Pierre-Luc Tremblay and Pascal Ouellett (aka Wally Mistassibi) and their crew will closely watch the forecasts and river flows in order to target the best feature to hold the event.  Competitors will find out 24 in advance what wave will be chosen for the competition, with all of them being within one hour drive or less of each other.

Despite the fact that there are no guarantees for river flows, the organization knowledge and experience from Stakeouting (or Big wave hunting) in the region allows them to be able to proceed with a planning and to adjust to Mother Nature.

With a potential of more than 12 possible World-class waves, there’s no other region on the globe that can possibly dare offer this kind of event.

For this reason, we call out paddlers from the four corners of the planet to come out and enjoy the 2016 Stakeout rivers with a passionate crew of Quebexicans.

So what are you waiting for?  Book your flight and come discover THE LAND OF GIANTS for yourself!


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