
Interview German kayaker Quirin Haslberger aka. "Quitschie." at home i Garmish-Partenkirchenc

Published on avril 28th, 2020 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

Corona Diaries #24 Quirin Haslberger (Germany)

Outside, rivers are starting to flow and spring is around the corner, and the sun is shining high. Yet around the world, most of us are grounded at home and it seems like it could last another few weeks. Though difficult, let’s repeat it, folks this is THE THING TO DO! It is necessary and worth it!

So, we at Kayak Session decided to take the opportunity to catch up with our friends in the whitewater community and see how they are coping across the globe.

Today we talk with Quirin Haslberger aka. « Quitschie. » If you’ve spent any time in Otztal, Austria, you’ve likely met Quirin Haslberger, aka, Quitschie. This young shredder is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet- in or out of a kayak. 

« To all the shredders out there, especially in Germany, I just hope that everybody gets the situation right and understands that it has to be taken seriously.« 

How zit Quitschie, where are you, and what is the situation like where you are?

I´m based in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany, and this is where I´m at these days. We are pretty much the southernmost location in Germany, a border town, and super close to Austria. All borders are closed right now, so there is no way out! Because of that, the situation here is super strict, and we’re under lockdown BUT we do are allowed to leave the house by ourselves to go for a walk, paddle, etc.

Where did you travel from most recently? Has Covid-19 impacted your plans for the season?

As my parents own a ski school here in GAP, I’ve been here all winter, working my ass off to go and shred the whole summer…My plans were doing a little euro tour for the spring months starting in Ötztal going towards Switzerland (Verzasca), moving on to Valsesia, and then finishing off in the Aosta Valley! As all borders from Germany towards Austria are still closed  so I’m just gonna wait it out and see what happens …

« I´m lucky enough to be surrounded by big mountains, lakes, and also a little river called the Loisach that flows right through town and the put-in is one minute from my doorstep.« 

How are you maintaining fitness and your sanity? Can you get any exercise or paddle at all?

I´m lucky enough to be surrounded by big mountains, lakes, and also a little river called the Loisach that flows right through town and the put-in is one minute from my doorstep. I spend a lot of time hiking with my girlfriend and my puppy. Just walking around in nature really is a treat in a situation like this! Paddling-wise, I was lucky the last days as there was at least a little bit of water in the river, and I could get a training lap in once a day to get the muscles going and get ready for once all this craziness is over.

How do you spend most of your time?

Like I said, I’m pretty fortunate to be to actually be able to spend quite a bit of time outdoors paddling, hiking with my girl and dog. Besides that, we spent lots of time getting the balcony ready for summer and planting lots of flowers and stuff to keep my girl stoked as well 😉 Also, it’s a hard time for the pup, she’s a two-year-old Australian shepherd who really wants to be entertained and outside all day long. Spending more time in the house than usual was really something she had to get used to, but we`re getting there!

 « I also went through footage of myself from the last couple of years and made a little edit, which I just dropped. You can find it on my Instagram | quirin.haslberger« |

What are you watching right now? Any (kayak) porn recommendations?

On Netflix, there’s a pretty good series called « Pandemic » which fits the theme right now. I found it pretty interesting! Kayak-wise, I’ve definitely been watching lots of EG’s old videos, which keeps the stoke real for the season to come. I also went through footage of myself from the last couple of years and made a little edit, which I just dropped. You can find it on my Instagram | quirin.haslberger |

Any words of wisdom for your fellow paddlers across the world?

To all the shredders out there, especially in Germany, I just hope that everybody gets the situation right and understands that it has to be taken seriously. Don’t think about yourself, think about the community surrounding you, your friends and family! The smarter we act now, the sooner we’ll be out there shredding again and having fun like ever. With a bit of luck, we’ll even be able to get some of the spring flows around Switzerland and Italy, so stay at home or at least on your own!

Catch ya on the river, Quitschie!

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